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Book 1: Her First Mistake | EBOOK

Book 1: Her First Mistake | EBOOK

Gwen thought moving back to her hometown would give her a fresh start.
She was wrong. 

 BOOK #1 in the Harpring Saga 

GWEN BRANSON finds herself at the top of the corporate ladder when she accepts a promotion of a lifetime. Heading back to her hometown of Harpring, she has big plans to create more jobs for the small community. As she settles in, she encounters memories from her past and a love she left behind. If the memories weren’t tough enough, she finds herself face-to-face with the man who still holds half her heart. 

MAX BRANSON watched the love of his life walk out the door. He knew where he went wrong and was certain once Gwen realized her hometown hadn’t changed, she’d come running back to him. When divorce papers arrive, he realizes she’s not coming back and has no other option than to head to Harpring and earn back her love.

KAL McKINSEY never left Harpring and, for over a decade, heartbreakingly followed Gwen’s life through online articles and social media. Although she left without saying goodbye, his love for her remained strong. If he ever got the chance to see her again, he promised himself; he was going to make things right and never let her out of his life again. 


🌟 This is for the e-version.  

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Ebook is available on: Amazon | Apple Books | Other Retailers


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